Chris Kramer


About Chris

Hello, I am Chris Kramer, and I am an Assistant Professor and Chair of Philosophy at SBCC. I am also the advisor to the Philosophy Club and a professor for the Umoja program. My interests intersect across the philosophy of humor, mind, religion, informal logic, existentialism and phenomenology, and oppression. I wrote my dissertation on “Subversive Humor”, half about humor, half about oppression. Readers will laugh and cry, but mostly cry, and mostly because they are reading a dissertation; what has become of their lives? I teach PHIL 100: Introduction to Philosophy; PHIL 101: Introduction to Ethics, PHIL 111: Critical Thinking and Writing in Philosophy; PHIL 203: Truth, Meaning, and Existence; and PHIL 206: Philosophy of Religion. I’m totally cool with you contacting me out of the blue to discuss philosophy. Or Soccer (futbol).